Monday, January 30, 2006

Further Labor at the Tannery

Jan. 28, 2006 - What a blessing it was to preach again at the Tannery, this time had with me two other young men. The work of the Lord was powerful and effective and many people were reached with the message of the gospel! Mostly everyone who came to hear approached with a foul and mocking attitude, but left sobered and agreeing with the Scriptures.

One man shared his heart about drugs and his experience with devils, and I was able to speak to him about repentance and turning his life around, after this the man accepted the Word with earnestness.

Another young man, boasting in his sin, afterwards agreed in his wrongdoing and showed his desire to reform his life.

Two other boys on their bicycles, stopped by for what they thought to be a brief encounter but stayed well into the hour, later leaving with a new soberness towards their own souls.

Talked with the crowd about faith, being the "substance of things not seen." Faith in Christ being the hope of salvation. Many people listened, particularly one man who received the Word to heart.

Discovering a terrible amount of homosexuality amongst these young people. Was able to talk to a young man who was under the impression that he was a female. He didn't know the Bible condemned such behavior. Another young girl, who said she was a Christian, later admitted to bisexuality. May the Lord set free the chords of bondage.

The weather in New Brunswick at this time of the year should be dreadful, however, due to the strange warm climates we've been sporadically experiencing, I've taken advantage of it, preaching as much as possible.


Anonymous said...

We're praying for you brother Eli, keep preaching the Word of God!

Anonymous said...

Did the people who you say were "sobered and agreeing with the Scriptures" get plugged into a local church? If not, why? And what church are you accountable to?


Eli said...

Not yet Logic... have your classmates/co-workers been plugged into a local church yet?

Anonymous said...

All of my co-workers who have received the word of God are now plugged into a local church. This includes two people; one of them has been discipled, and is in leadership. All have visited my church except one. Sometimes people you share the truth with do not receive the truth, but at least you have a long relationship where they may reconsider.


Eli said...

Now let me ask you three questions and I expect you to answer:

1. What is your name?

2. Where do you work?

3. Are you saying I should no longer spread the gospel to these folk because they aren't plugged into a local church after two times out on the street?

Anonymous said...

Eli, why don't you first answer Logic's question about your accountability to a local church? I'm not taking his side or anything. I just find it odd that you "expect" him to answer three questions when you won't answer his one question which he asked first. I might add that other posters have asked you in other threads about your accountability to a local church, and I have not yet read your answer. (My apologies if you have answered the question already...if so, would you mind repeating it for me on this thread? I'm quite curious myself).

Anonymous said...

To this day field preaching is a cross to me, but I know my commission and see no other way of preaching the gospel to every creature".
John Wesley

Eli said...

I attend a church here in Fredericton and will be meeting with the pastor Friday. I plan on meeting with several pastors from all around the city to present my ministry.

However, before you sigh and relax in your chair, I know the Lord has called me to do this, so regardless of response, I will obey the Lord.