Friday, December 09, 2005

Final Exam

At the end of all this will be the final evaluation of your life. You will stand before the Lord of Heaven and of Earth, who made them and everything in them, and who gave breath to all things, and you will give an account of your life, all you did, all you thought, all you said, and so all will be exposed. The books will be opened and you will be graded, but by whom? By Jesus Christ the risen Lord: "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad." 2 Corinthians 5:10

A+ = You lived your life wholly for the glory of God, loving not your life unto death, and produced an increase of 100 times what God gave you. You are welcomed richly into the Kingdom of God, awarded the crown of life and are blessed before all the Father and His angels.

A = You produce a crop worth 60 times what was sown. You live your life mostly for God while holding on to bits of the world. You are welcomed with joy into the gates of heaven.

B = Your crop produced a 30 times increase in the world. You live your life partially for God and accomplish a number of feats for Christ, but the other half of your life is spent in the pursuit of treasure that rusts and rots. You enter heaven happy to be home.

C = You have faith in the Son of God yet do not consecrate your life to His service. You live for your own pursuits, go to church, meanfully sing and pray and take sermon notes, but during the rest of the week you are content to run your own life. You enter heaven happy to have made it, but regret wasting your life in that which does not last.

D = You enter heaven as one who escapes through the flames. You built your life on all the world has to offer and now realize you have no treasure in heaven. While some are crowned with great splendor before the Father, you are among the great masses who watch and wish you had another chance with your life.

F = You are the lukewarm, the unbelieving, the blasphemers, the workers of iniquity... you are of the children of the devil. You have no love in your heart for God, and no desire for the things of the light. You are the church-goer who is first to leave and first to get back to the garbage you were watching on television. Though you believed in God, you chose not to put your faith in Him or repent of your wickedness. The most important person in the world to you was yourself. You will forever be alone in the Lake of Fire, spending that time with the object of your affection.

Dear reader, only those who believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and put their faith and hope in that promise will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. If you want to become a child of God then follow these 3 steps:

1. Agree with God that you are a sinner and are disobedient against all His commands, and that you deserve eternal punishment for the retribution of your sins.
2. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, that God so loved you and made His Son to be the substitute punishment for your sins, and that by the blood that was shed by Jesus Christ on the cross is the only way for your sins to be forgiven.
3. Put your faith into action by repenting of your sins, meaning, turning around from the road that leads to death and walking in the other direction on the road that leads to life. Live always to walk the path of light, and repent again if you slip and fall backward.

If you did these things then you are now a child of God! Believe this, when the Bible says "If any man is in Christ Jesus he is a new creation. The old is gone, the new has come!" and live your life for the glory of God, to receive the best evaluation that you can on that great day ahead!


Anonymous said...

You really should list where you get your sources. I didnt realise the NT had a book in which God said "Im going to give you a grade when you get here, and here's how they break down". All due respect, being a little over zealous can do more damage than good for God's kingdom. Unbelievers, I know, I was one, dont want to hear Christian rhetoric about 'blasphemers', cause they dont have a clue what it is. In order to get the message across dear Brother, is so go at it in a way which is encouraging and understandable. Threatening them with a failing grade of damnation does not due the trick. I dont question that you are sincere, just not very tactful. You get a D in Evangelism.

Eli said...

Other people you would give a 'D' in evangelism to:

-John the Baptist
-Thomas Watson
-John Bunyan
-Jonathan Edwards
-David Brainerd
-George Whitefield
-John Wesley
-William Black
-Charles Finney
-Robert Murray McCheyne
-Alexander Whyte
-A.B. Simpson
-Charles Spurgeon
-D.L. Moody
-William Booth
-R.A. Torrey
-Billy Sunday
-Evan Roberts
-Duncan Campbell
-Vance Havner
-Leonard Ravenhill
-Keith Daniel
-David Wilkerson...