Dearest L-----,
Thank you for sharing
your heart with us and your concern over what we are teaching about grace. Your
concern has definitely been heeded and respected. We greatly value your
fellowship in the faith and love you too. I am so blessed to know you!
I'd like to share with
you my thoughts on David's blog post, as well as a bit more about my
background. It is important that you know where I come from.
I grew up in a home that
I would describe as conservative Pentecostal, that is, both my parents speak in
tongues, sing and dance in the Lord with great joy, engage in spiritual
warfare, but yet never fell trap to any of the extreme Pentecostal trappings
that many Pentecostals often do (as in the experience which you shared with us
the other night). My memories of home are wonderful, and I thank God for my
upbringing. My parents have always been steadfast and joyful examples of faith
in God for me and my siblings. So that is the environment I grew up in.
When I became passionate
to serve God in my late teens, my parents gave to me a book by Leonard
Ravenhill which had a profound influence on my life. In Ravenhill's
characteristic way, he chastised the modern church for its laziness and
sinfulness and contrasted it with the Book of Acts and other people throughout
church history who lived radical lives for God. I was stirred. That is what I
had been feeling about the church, questioning why there was such a difference
between it and the church I read about in the Book of Acts. I did a search for
Ravenhill online and that led me to Sermonindex. I was amazed at the teaching
and sermons on that site, and daily took in as much as I could. Sermonindex was
the site I spent the most time on for several years. I loved listening to men
speak with passion about knowing God intimately and serving Christ boldly. I
had never heard preaching like that in the church that I grew up in. I was also
blown away by the accounts of revivals in various places (Hebrides, Wales...).
I wanted to see revival happen in my own hometown and took up these men's
challenge to pray and to labor for it. I started boldly preaching on the
streets and challenging others to live their lives for God.
I was invited by Greg
Gordon to visit him in Toronto in 2006 (he got to know me through Sermonindex
as well as through my blog where I would write posts about revival and
Christianity and share about what I was doing on the streets). We bonded, and
ever since then he and I have had a pretty close relationship, involving
traveling together and living together. I count Greg as a very dear friend whom
I love very much. I helped Greg (in a small way) organize and run the first and
second Revival Conferences in Canton, Ohio, and Greenock, Scotland. We also
lived together in Victoria, BC, for a summer, just he and I, and spent lots of
time witnessing on the streets. Greg lived for a while in New Brunswick,
Canada, in my hometown, spending time with my family. I saw him when I would
visit home. He has even visited me in Logan and hopes to do so again sometime.
I'm telling you this just so that you know how deeply involved I have been with
Sermonindex and Greg's ministry. If you look, you'll even find that I am a
speaker on Sermonindex (see under Audio Sermons by Speakers, Other Speakers
A-F). I met David Ravenhill and his wife at a wedding which he was conducting
for one of my friends. I visited Leonard Ravenhill's grave in Garden Valley,
Texas, in reverent awe. I read most of his books and others that he recommended
(in fact, most of my earlier library was filled with books somehow related to
Ravenhill). I considered him a standard. You can go to the earliest posts on my
blog and learn about me from those early days. You'll see how much I was
influenced and involved in revivalism.
I'd like to tell you
what was going on with me on the inside during that time. Through the revival
teachings of Sermonindex I became a person who outwardly looked very good, but
who inwardly was very ugly. Inside I was full of pride, selfish ambition and
envy. But on the outside I was angelic, appearing very humble and giving all
glory to God. I was also full of lust and had no self-control. But outwardly I
passed as someone who was a hard-liner against sin and who was passionate about
holiness. I was judgmental towards other people, both Christian and
non-Christian, thinking that I was better somehow because I knew the truth and
was working to be part of the solution. I prayed much, and the more I prayed
the more I felt that I was closer to God than others. I remember saying lots of
critical things about the idea of grace and about people who believed in it. To
me, they just wanted to sin and didn't want to carry the rugged cross of
holiness. Of course, I wasn't carrying it myself, but at least I wanted to, and
at least I was preaching it, right? I really thought that I was doing God's
will and that God was on my side. I remember thinking one day at a church
service where people were rejoicing in the love of God: "Why are they so
happy? I'm the one who's doing all the work. These people don't even do what I
do." I also felt competitive with other young people who were zealous for
God. I would read on Sermonindex what they had been doing and felt that I
needed to do something like that too. I liked posting my exploits for others to
see; but all the while I was doing it under the sincere conviction that I was
godly and was really serving God. I cannot emphasis enough how spiritual I
looked on the outside. My best friend Miles, when I told him a few years ago
that I wasn't a Christian during those days, was amazed. He said that he had
sincerely thought that I was "one of the most spiritual people that he had
ever met." I had fooled myself as well.
What I want to tell you
is that I wholeheartedly followed Leonard Ravenhill and the other revivalist's
advice about getting down to business with God, and I had born the sour fruit of
that teaching. Those ugly things were inside me, but they were fruit.
I truly wanted to serve God... I really believed in Him - but the course I took
was not grace but works. Paul warned us that the way of flesh produces the
works of the flesh (Gal. 5:19-21), and I experienced it. I didn't want to sin
and be proud, but I couldn't help it, because it was all about my works for
God. "The church is a mess because Christians are lazy. Who will rise up
and get with it?" "God wants to bless you with the Spirit and
revival, but you have to pray and deal with your sins." Revivalist
teaching is not about grace. The cross of Christ has very little place in it
except to bid us come and die. All the sermons, while they can be beautifully
delivered and can shine up the attributes of God, always ultimately end up
being about you and what you need to do. While humility and holiness is always
held up and highly sought, there is very little of it at all to be found among
those who preach and listen to revivalism (though there is a lot of appearance
of humility). Revival messages are all about how "if God's people, who are
called by His name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek His face, and
turn from their wicked ways, then God will hear from heaven
and forgive their sins, and heal their land" one way or another. However,
that is not the gospel. While revivalists sincerely want to see God move and to
have intimacy with Him, they fail to realize that in Christ God has moved
in the most marvelous way which will never be repeated, and that it is the
glorified Savior that draws people to God for intimacy, because intimacy with
God is based upon faith in the Son who reveals the Father, and not in our own
works and mystical experiences.
I have been there and
done that. I know what it is to be on either side. I know what it is to be
seeking revival, and I know what it is to be glorying in Christ. Today, I don't
feel like there's a big difference anymore between what I believe and
experience and what the church in the Book of Acts believed and experienced. I
find myself relating to them more and more, rather than just always pointing
out the chasm. They understood the gospel and were excited about it. I have
come to understand it too, and it is far more exciting and beautiful than
anything I ever knew. I'm not interested in a mystical experience in order to
"know God personally", because I now know God personally through
faith in Jesus Christ. He loved me and gave Himself for me! God does not need
to validate His love for me in constant religious experiences because He
"demonstrates His love for me in this, that while I was yet a sinner,
Christ died for me." (Rom. 5:8) This is the verse that granted me peace when
I was in dread and despair in 2007 because of my hypocrisy and sin. The truth
set me free. I at last came to rest from my own works and found joy and peace
in His grace.
Grace is really what the
Bible is all about. Of course, grace is a loaded word, and it carries with it
all the glorious truths of righteousness and the incomprehensible love of God.
Christianity is not about having a relationship with God that has to do with working in order to be on God's good side in whatever way. It is about believing
that His favor has been given undeservedly in Christ, and enjoying it, finding
all of our strength in the peace and joy that He has provided. I can honestly
say that things changed in my life, both inwardly and outwardly, since I put
away the revivalists teaching and turned to the teaching of God. The fruit has
changed. I no longer feel like a hypocrite. While we all sin when we take our
eyes off of the blessed truth of Christ, I am no longer enslaved to sin like I
used to be. That judgmental, selfishly ambitious, lustful and ugly person that
I used to be is gone. It is the power of God's good news that has changed me,
not my willpower and my efforts like it used to be about (though I used to say
that it was all about God's power in those days). How blind I was, but now I see!
I disagree with David
Ravenhill's blog post. It was to give us freedom that Christ died, but in
David's scheme there is no freedom, because a little leaven leavens the whole
lump. If I am not free from the condemnation of all my sins, past, present and
future, then I am not free. What else did Christ die for? What other freedom
could it have been? It wasn't political or physical, but moral. I am no longer
under the responsibility to pay for my sins, and that is the truth. But this
truth does not lead me to sin, as Ravenhill is suggesting. The gospel truth is
not simply that I am free from condemnation, but that I am loved by God who has
manifested His love by freeing me from condemnation. My freedom is a
manifestation of His love. In this light my freedom becomes a powerful
motivation to serve God, because "we love Him for loving us first."
(1 John 4:19) There can be no true service towards God unless it is from the
source of love for God, but there can be no love for God without the love of
God; and there is no love of God that the New Testament knows apart from the
love of God that frees us from the condemnation of all our sins. "In this
is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and gave His Son to be the
propitiation for our sins." (1 John 4:10) Paul found his whole motivation
for the Christian life here: "The life that I now live, I live by faith in
the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me. I do not frustrate the
grace of God: for if righteousness comes by the law, Christ is dead in
vain." (Gal. 2:20-21) It is not good when Christians seek holiness in
order to be in the right condition with God to obtain His blessings rather than
for the sake of holiness itself, which is simply love for God and man. This
love can only be in our hearts by the gospel.
The problem with what
David is saying is that he is divorcing the freedom from the love, and then
criticizing the freedom. Yes, people will sin when they think in terms of
freedom without the love of God. But what then is the solution to their sin
problem? Take away the freedom? No! Preach the love of God! The revivalists are
correct in that they point out that there is a problem in the church today.
They rightly see that the church today doesn't look like the Book of Acts. But
they wrongly diagnose and thus they administer a false solution. They think the
problem is grace, and their solution is legalism (put bluntly, for they
wouldn't say it like this). However, the problem is not grace, but counterfeit
grace. The problem is "grace" divorced from Christ, which is not
grace at all. Guilt-tripping and working harder
for God is not the answer. The answer is seeing Christ in all His glory and
grace. That is where the power to save and transform lies.
I don't believe the
devil is like he is describing. That's just not the picture we get of him in
the Bible. He preaches "righteousness" (2 Cor. 11:15). He blinds men
from seeing the glory of Christ (2 Cor. 4:4). He stands opposed to Jesus by the
spirit of legalism (see the Pharisees). He deceives men into doubting the
loving character of God (that's what the serpent in the Garden of Eden did).
Remember that the Pharisees, who were the children of the devil, believed in
losing one's salvation by sinning, and taught people not to get drunk and not
to fornicate. I found David's teaching to be typical of revival teaching,
shallow and missing the deeper thing: the gospel.
While I am sorry that it
took me so long to understand the gospel of grace, and that I undoubtedly hurt
myself and other people along the way, I am thankful to God for the experience
that I had in revivalism, because it has made me far more sensitive to these
issues and has also freed me from the attraction of the impressive. If there is
anything about the revivalist preachers, it is that they are impressive. Their
preaching is impressive, their praying is impressive, and their zeal is
impressive. But so much of that is of man; man impressing man, and zeal without
knowledge is deadly. I have since learned that nothing that I do is of any
spiritual value before God to get His blessings, but that only Christ is
valuable. In Christ I am blessed with every spiritual blessing (Eph. 1:3), and in Christ all the promises of God are "yes" and "amen" (2 Cor. 1:20). "But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for
Christ. Yea doubtless, I count all things loss for the excellency of the
knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all
things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ, and be found in Him,
not having my own righteousness which is of the law, but that which is through
the faith of Christ, the righteousness that is of God by faith." (Phil.
3:7-9) If righteousness brings life, then in Christ I have life. The necessity
of the times is to see that Jesus Christ is sufficient.
May God bless you,
L-----, with this vision. Thank you again, sister.
Your brother,