It's good to be able to write to you another update of how the ministry is going out here in Victoria. A dear old saint in the Lord who lives in the city freely gave us an electric organ and also some gospel signs to use in the work that we are doing, and so far they both have proved a wonderful blessing! We've been taking the signs downtown to reach the many thousands of people who desperately need to know the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Victoria is a busy place. I have heard that nearly a million people live in and around it's small vicinity, and the number of people walking the sidewalks really confirms this. Greg and I have a routine that we follow every time we go out: first we preach a short message at the Legislature building, then we spend several hours handing out tracts and preaching on the sidewalks in the downtown district, finishing on Douglas Street, which is a very busy location and hub for drug dealers and homeless.
Here is a video that captures pretty well what it is like preaching on the sidewalk at Douglas. Street preaching is the most difficult kind of preaching, but I believe God truly uses the foolishness of preaching to speak the word of life into someone's heart even though we may never know it. "And he commanded us to preach unto the people, and to testify that it is he which was ordained of God to be the Judge of quick and dead." (Acts 10:42)
"We also are men of like passions with you, and preach unto you that ye should turn from these vanities unto the living God, which made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all things that are therein." (Acts 14:15)
Another brother, David Tennant, has also arrived in Victoria and is staying in the house with Greg and I to help us in the work God is doing here. We thank the Lord for His provision! I met David a several times while I was traveling on the road in California; he truly is a blessed brother.
Dear saints, please keep the three of us in prayer, for the evangelism in the city and also for the various preaching engagements elsewhere. God is truly doing something in this hardened city and we don't want to get in the way, but we also don't want to get out of the way but thrust ourselves fully into the plans and purposes of Christ for us at this time. May the Lamb that was slain receive the reward of His suffering: in all of us, wherever we are.
The Lord richly bless you.
Your brother and fellow laborer in Christ Jesus the Lord,
Brother Eli, it is good to see and hear you proclaiming the glorious gospel. Continue in season and out. May the Lord bless you and keep you and may He cause His face to shine upon you.
AWESOME to see you with those signs!!
You have my prayers, Eli. Praise God, I wish I could be there, but the wisdom of the Lord is being worked out in my current place in Southern California. Meanwhile Abraham Juliot and I have been going down to Huntington to witness. Pray that His Spirit leads.
Bless you brother. One thing that stunned me last night was that you guys were recognized in deep dark Esquimalt by the Tim Horton's gang. Praying for you guys.
God Bless,
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