Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Preaching at Legislature

This message was delivered at the famous Legislature building downtown Victoria. Lots of tourists are streaming through the area, and there are many guards and politicians that linger on the front steps. Brother Greg and I preach a sermon here every day.


Big Picture said...

I was there!! Praying for my dear courageous brother Eli. Whose capable mind and tongue are a fierce weapon for our Lord's Army. God Bless this open air ministry!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Here also is Ian Paisley with his weekly sermon in public. It thought you might find it interesting, that is if you haven't seen it yet.

Eli said...

Thanks brother, I hadn't seen this before. Ian Paisley is quite something.

Anonymous said...

This is great brother! The work you and brother Greg are doing is fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Don't want to be one of those people going to hell; obstinate, hypocrite, self righteous. Lord Jesus forgive me if anything like these are in my heart. Thank you Jesus.